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First Milestone Reached!

Aloha Nicola,

It's cold here. Fucking cold! Fresh snow is on the mountains and it's been raining sideways this morning. Yup winter has hit Aotearoa for sure! 

What has been good about this shitty weather is that I've been head down and I finally finished the first draft of my book all about Conscious leadership! WOOOHOO!

Join The VIP Waitlist For The Book For First Dibs on the Release!

I celebrated in style, with "Out! Advanced Urine Destroyer"! Yes that's me with a high powered headlamp to find cat pee in our dark stairwell...

I think, Harry the cat's job is to keep my ego in check lol! 

So with all this work on the book suffice to say, blog writing has taken a pause. So nothing new from the blog this week!  But instead here's a wee extract from my book that you might like (although it may edited out lol! Who knows!).

From the Book "Awakening The Conscious Leader" {Title to be confirmed!}... 

A Vision For The Future

It's my biggest hope that this book has given you the tools you need to awaken and elevate the Conscious Leader that you are!

My vision is of a world where peace and harmony are the majority of experiences that people have. Where people know how to tap into their deep pool of Joy even when the inevitable pain or conflict that is part of the human experience, comes to visit.

My vision sees this high level of consciousness of humanness, as normal and the learning of this, something that is widely embraced, encouraged and even prioritised and rewarded by society.

I desire to see more Conscious Leaders in powerful positions, working together to make the world a better place. It's lofty - but that's what a vision is meant to be!

And... I'm so glad that you are part of this vision! You are here reading this book and so I say thank-you to you. Thank-you for leaning in to and answering your calling. You are evidence that "the vision is unfolding and has unfolded"!

Nicola what's your vision for the world? I hope you found mine inspiring - it has faithfully led me through all the iterations of my business and my work and it still guides me to go bigger, and do more! That's what a good vision does. 

I'd love to have your support on this epic journey
, so if it calls you, hop on the VIP waitlist.  You'll be the first to know of the release, plus some extra goodies too!

Have an amazing rest of your week and as always, I'm here for your constant evolution!

Nik Chung
Conscious Leadership Mentor

PS. I love that you are wanting to expand as a leader! If you know you would love more support to develop in your leadership role, reply to this email and let's have a chat

Nik Chung Conscious Leadership Mentor

Nik Chung, Otautahi, Aotearoa ( Christchurch, New Zealand)

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